Friday, April 23, 2010
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Friday, April 9, 2010
It is a desert. A beauty contest between the sand and the sun, and while Carol would have been a dismal jury given his centimetre thick fur-coat, Max found himself on a hopeless attempt to soothe the heat by sweating on it. He looked at the source of it all, the cause of the ‘crunch’, something he came to know of only very recently, and in a chill of fear that did nothing to comfort, he turned to his twelve-foot friend whom he supposedly should have been mentoring.
“Did you know the sun was going to die?”
“What?” A mournful pause. “I never heard that.”
What’s sadness to a shattered state? Carol’s pause wasn’t a dwell on the statement, while Max simply couldn’t steer clear of it. But it was a twinge of pleasure in itself, watching someone as strong as Carol sink to where he stood, where he’s been standing for a while now.
“Oh come on…”, Carol said, as Max lifted his chin a little. “It’s not going to happen.” He paused again. “I mean, you’re the king, and look at me… I’m big!” He paused again. “How could guys like us worry about a tiny little thing like the sun, huh?”
And for someone who always had a runny nose and a lake in his eyes, Carol smiled and convincingly enough. Max smiled too, for he felt his anchor drop down, finding the smallest solid rock of hope than just simply hanging around. And sometimes we find that that’s the most that’s required.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
tranquil when I'm self-absorbed;
but when in bed, its chaos felt,
is this what clarity has brought?"
This isn't the first time, I've always seen right from when I knew to 'see', that the blades are deceptive. And no one can actually tell which way the fan's rotating unless they've seen it go from first shot, and face it: You wouldn't think it's worth the time. And that led to something like a 'Dreamers' extrapolation, like how you see the chaos only when you're absorbed in it, and that means an absorption out of yourself, which is like egesting yourself out of your inside, a self-hurl, you know, and without it it's poetry. And it surprises me how something can be two separate worlds, totally unconnected, but then again, your mind and 'everything else' are sort of contrasts too, so it would only explain and strengthen why there's a difference. But that also undoubtedly raises the question as to what is 'sane': Is it the chaos, or is it the poetry, or is it the very stout line in between that finds it could accommodate more than ninety nine on hundred, or exponents of the same? And that is not a scary thought, but certainly not answerable. Because it's just a frame of mind, an interstice between two phases of when I'd think I know what I'm doing, as opposed to when I'd admit that I don't have a clue.
I'm hungry. 'Certainly'.
its stalk to poke,
a pulp descent in mind, provoked;
enchanted hum of 'Cello Song',
in worldliness
of world beyond;
a slither down the air, amused,
its wither render gases bruised,
of flaming mistress -
her one-eyed stare,
and eye-patch time of sibling pairs;
atrocities of feudal kind,
in work of wonder
and excrement
and the find of fall,
and treachery, and truth
but most of all
the auburn maiden, her basket full,
her weight in whole in dangle, would;
the poet's eyes
in eloquence, trace,
in frailty, her shirk of grace,
and of rescue aimed at fallen fruit,
in heart despair,
her mind intrudes;
his final flash of fondest smile,
for scarlet stained,
her eyes beguiled..."
I don't think I did justice, or at least that hasn't found its way to me yet: A sense of being engulfed by myself. If it does, I'd live with it. If it doesn't, I won't say it aloud. Fifth in line to 'Little Rhymes', a burp to spike the spark of mind.
Monday, April 5, 2010
I am not a rocket man,
I was born a house-cat
by the slight of my mother's hand..."
I am not a nomad. I'm no photographer either. I don't know if my mobile phone thinks for itself, but really, what a time for 'Waiting on the world to change
But at least I got to savour myself.