Hello again, for lack of a better remark. I don’t know if it’s good to be back, a shadow cast on the regression-lover that I usually look to be, live to be. The occasion in itself is pretty welcome, the ambient is red and I’m wearing green – so much for coincidences.
All the same, I wrote this poem the day before yesterday.
wilted minds,
their tampered faces
whose creases hide
in ironed-out lines
they only help me draw a blank
and fill it up
with dust and sand;
and ‘what’s and ‘why’s
and ‘how’s and ‘now…’s
and second thoughts
sent voiced aloud…
it’s time to take my glasses off.
Appropriation is what I have been indulging in, lately. Flagpoles planted on places that come my way and not exactly relying on ventures to give me a newfound name. Same goes with ‘Myopia’. Kind of like how Clapton explains ‘Crossroads
’, how Slash would boast about a no-brainer ‘Sweet Child of Mine
’. This just happened.
And I have nothing more to say in this regard.