I thought I’d name this post as ‘Rhyme and Reason’, on a personal point of view that the said terms can never come together, as one has to always have an element of absurdity or at least, ‘obscurity’ for the sake of rhyme and no, it’s not a compromise, it’s just words slowing down for the tune to run with them, and once the pace is set, they’d just quicken together.
“words are stalled in a line,
it’s tough to make up my mind,
‘cause there’s not much of
rhyme in reason;
this is just my rhyme”
Setting aside the fact that I got to write ordinary lines, there’s a hint of pride that I got to twiddle my first tune and associate legit words to it. Very simple, and I got reminded of a ‘Swell Season’ song called ‘The Verb
’, so I thought I’d write something sober, yet emotional, reminiscent of the stuff that Glen Hansard comes up with. So I guess this could be my tribute to him and to ‘Miss Incredible’ Marketa Irglova, and to the amazing music and lyrics that they come up with, solely to mesmerize and induce an amount of joy that can’t quite be paralleled. ‘Strict Joy
’, as they put it themselves.
I’m not going to complete the song. I don’t know enough notes to do so.
Good tribute to an amazing artist!