This is not an interview with self – it is one that features two different individuals, a demarcation that should be but is always ignored. There’s always this line between the ‘reader’ and the ‘writer’ in anyone who has gone anywhere close to stacking a few words one on the other and I’m doing nothing but recognizing that to full acknowledgement. Having said that, I begin by stating that I found the writer lazing on this Saturday morning in an SRV ambience (The House is a Rockin’
) and that’s like the ideal time for questioning because the mind can’t get clearer than the morning, or so felt the both of us. I’d get down right away to the details while you should know that I had no list of questions as such.
Reader: Personal writing, John Mayer titles, too much of ‘Before Sunrise
’ – pick one.
Writer: All together. You pretty much put two and two together, I don’t know why there needs to be an explanation beyond, but still… I’m not selling anything to anyone. Isn’t that reason enough?
Reader: On ‘Dedication’…
Writer: There’s no writing without purpose and there’s no purpose without specification. I’m not a Messiah, no one is, and maybe they like to pretend but I don’t. I’ve always felt the need for something to drive me ahead, existence for existence’s sake doesn’t work that well and I’m not committing to the world, that’s way too much people to commit to. So it’s just ‘you’.
Reader: Self expression or making sense?
Writer: I didn’t know there was a split. Expressing myself makes sense to me, I’m not trying to play David Lynch here. Maybe you’re not looking, more like just glancing and I think I’m kind of worth more than that, you should give that to me. Because I definitely think ‘you’re’ worth more than that.
Reader: Who’s ‘she’?
Writer: ‘She’ exists. I’m not obliged to say any more, I’m not a celebrity.
Reader: On ‘stories’…
Writer: A story is mundane, an everyday thing. I’m not for hyped-up reality or idealized fiction, but I’m not keeping it real either. What I say and do can be accomplished by a sufficiently real state of mind, but the lack of surety restricts dialogue in response. I’m not a story-writer, I’m just giving you a part of it and letting you extrapolate. Or maybe I’m not letting you do even that and what I write is just what it is, because I don’t think anything other an oblique impact is possible in everyday life. You pass a couple of people engaged in conversation. You hear a word or two or maybe even a couple of lines, and if those lines are potent enough to keep ringing in your head, you take the step of evaluation and if not, you discard. I’m giving you that choice, at least I think I am.
Reader: Intention…
Writer: Honest intelligence. I look at talks where the other person knows what you’re talking about, maybe can even read it while still in your mind and hence the excessive interruption. The intention is to stay so, I’m talking to the character and not the audience, which I think is perfect. If there’s empathy, I wouldn’t need the additional explanations to make my intentions clear. Is there anything else?
Reader: No, I’ll get back to you if I have more. I’m sure you’d stay responsive, at least for me.
Writer: Always informal, sure thing.
I leave him to ‘Mrs. Robinson
’ and get to blogging this. If you think I’ve missed something, I’m all ears.
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