Tuesday, September 29, 2009


(I'm not shaken by the prospect of this, but I still am very excited to tell you that this post is going to be the first peek into 'My Book of Rhymes')

(ABOVE: Personal interpretation of 'picture perfect' from an existing cartoon: A perfect picture is something where nothing is drawn, because there's nothing as perfect as nothingness itself)

"...and I don't need Another Kind of Green to know,
that I'm on the right side, with you..."

And that's not me. It's 'Another kind of green' by John Mayer, and though it could sound rather bland, and not unlike what every 'popstar' comes up with, a deeper look suggests that it's indeed the work of the poet that John is. I don't need to elucidate, and I certainly won't, for all that's required is a tiny little bit of knowing that you're dealing with something that's deeper than the surface. And these couple of verses are based on the concept of 'this grass is greener'. I don't think I need to say anything more than that. Here's a very similar bunch of lines, not in idea, but in structure.

"Will my peek out of my picture-frame
cease in a day or a million more?

Will the drops flood to form a flare, fit

to eat through the easel of my door?

Shall I see the strangeness that seems,

without my face in a bottomless jar?

Or is there anything more bizarre,

than the very nearness of this far...?"

Needless to say, these lines are entirely mine. I wouldn't clarify or pledge that this isn't a plagiarized version of Mayer's concept, because it deals with the concept of 'Picture Perfect' (The first four lines, to be precise) just like his dealt with the 'this grass is greener' thing, and I say that I wouldn't do that because I would look like a plagiarist only to one that's blind: My intention is that I'd rather shout at loud at deaf ears than be confronted with such people.

Anyway, as I said, it's about 'picture perfect' and it's not an exaggerated version of something I feel, I'd rather call it an underplay because words are always subtler than life and anything as subtle could only be an incomplete performance. So I'm not overdoing anything, or being a 'Tragic Hero' when the situation isn't actually that bad, because it's ironical. The situation is even worse, and I'm glad I have enough in me to stack standpoints together sufficient to paint a word picture. Ok, I'm meandering from what I'm coming to say, and as I want to end this post with this paragraph, I'd explain right away (to anyone who read 'Nearness of Far'). The picture frame is the window, and the easel's my door and I'm looking out at a world that I've painted: A world where I believe that things would fall in place, but in actuality they don't and it's always me that has to make a move, and not wait for the cogs to clunk on by themselves. 'Bottomless Jar' is a reference to the eternal Beatles' number 'Eleanor Rigby' and I only used the 'jar' concept in a way of my own. 'Nearness of this far', obviously, is a reference to how I'm unable to connect with someone who's so close, and by virtue of that inability, is so distant. That's about all of it.

Monday, September 28, 2009


Am I going green? I know it's not just me that's seeing green, and I wouldn't have picked the shades if they didn't look good on black, but I definitely can't be going green!!! I mean, yeah I do (I did) own a t shirt that said "It's easy being green" with a picture of a laughing frog on it (I could have added a snapshot if only my mom didn't take it to dust her vehicle so now, technically, green's gone brown and that ought to have wiped the smile off Mr. Frog's face!) but despite those minor coincidences, I need to make it clear (if only it isn't already) that I can't ever be green. I can't live without consuming at least an egg a day, and I guess I don't know the norms of being Vegan or Vegetarian, but I certainly wish humans hadn't gotten crazy enough to call something that could crack up and cluck as a vegetable! Plus, I sleep with my lights on, not because I'm a determined power-waster, but well... I daren't disclose the reason for I feel mortified :P

So yeah, I eat meat and I waste electricity, but I also ride a bicycle and that's not a conservation-driven motive, but an excuse to hide the fact that I can't ride a motorbike, and I walk long distances sometimes, which is because the route's scenic (I'm talking about city roads, btw, I'd only freak out if I walked through the forest or about a landscape!) and I could perhaps add a dozen (or more) arguments on either side, only that I don't want to, because I realize that I'm going nowhere, except towards accomplishing the feat of having posted for two consecutive days, which would mean I wasn't lying about the frequency factor, and hence it's like I can hold my head high among pointless bloggers, because I'd then be one of them, but with a difference.

So, my inference would be that I can't ever be green, and I didn't want my blog to be wholly green, which is why I worked to intersperse green not with 'Another kind of green' but with blue, violet, purple and a bold-red title of 'MY BOOK OF RHYMES'. And I step back and take a look at it now... Doesn't it look cool?

Well, at least I think so :P

P.S. Should I delete this post? Because I think it's going to be the only pointless bunch of words amidst a focussed lot.

P.S.S. Ah, as a second thought, I think not :)

Sunday, September 27, 2009


This isn't an error message for sure, because I know perfectly well what I'm doing, so this can't ever be a mistake. And I thought of maintaining an air of mystery by curtailing this post to the previous sentence and nothing more, but I painfully remembered that I don't have much of readers, let alone really 'avid' ones, and hence I thought I need to tell people who even accidentally stumble upon this blog what it's going to contain, and my answer to that self-posed question is: EVERYTHING.

Well, at least I'd show what's everything to me, and that's my poetry.

This isn't a 'poem blog'. I call it a Lyrical Album: The sort of thing that has words that get a Platinum label just because John Mayer writes music about them, and this hint of mine isn't veiled. I can't deny the similarities that exist, and neither would you if only you looked closer, and this blog is to say that I'm ready to give an insight if you're ready, and that doesn't mean I won't be ready all the same, it would just be pointless if I were and I would still be, for sometimes it's the pointlessness in living that makes a man stride on. After all, you can't look for reason in an already perfect life...

So what would you see? Words soldered to form lines, lines stacked to form verses and a bunch of the last to make a song without music. Hearty renditions would make the impact a tenfold more, but what can I do? "It's only words, and words are all I have, to take anyone's heart away" :D And I'd try to drop in a couple of pictures, only that this time I'd try my hand at bringing about what's around me and not googling every single thing I need. I could draw, sketch, paint and touch upon a whole lot of things to make it the best I can bring out of me, and yeah. I'm working on an album art, and 'working' here implies that it's getting constructed in my head, and the rest is just 'scribbling and bibbling', and you know where that comes from!

I've got two things written already: One called 'Nearness of far' and the other, 'Half Nelson' and I don't know if they can be called 'Lyrics' as such, or even 'poems' because they hover somewhere midway, and I've got a lot more in my head with 'Warcry' set to be my 'best ever'. I still haven't thought a word about it, though: It's just the 'idea' that's there, fully formed.

I leave you here, for the post says 'Under Construction' and I'd get back sometime soon if I get inspired enough to write something new, or sooner than soon if I write about what 'inspired' me (Oh yeah, I could get that bold, you know! :D)